Privacy Policy

We, at Boys Games, are committed in protecting the privacy of our online visitors and users. We have adopted an Online Privacy Policy to show you how we collect, store, and use any personal information we have gathered on our site.

What information do we collect?

We may collect the following data:

  • Information about your computer and about your visit to website including IP, number of visits, etc.
  • Any information that you provide to use by means of subscribing, registering, and any other information that you choose to send to us.
  • We do not collect any personal information to guests except for the webserver logs and analytics for statistical purposes.

Who is collecting your personal information?

Any information that you disclose while visiting to our website will be collected by Boys Games and will be used in the manner specified below. Some games may also collect information in game that may be sent to the developers of the respective game. We will not be held responsible for any privacy practices on their end.

Personal Information

Any personal information that you provide to our website will not be disclosed to any third-party sites without your consent, unless required by the law to do so. Any personal information will be used for the purpose specified in the privacy policy or in a relevant way. We may use the information to:

  • Administer the website
  • Improve the browsing experience of the users
  • Enable the services provided by our website
  • Communicate with the user via newsletter, etc.
  • Send any purchased produce or services (if any)
  • Send email notifications
  • Provide third parties with statistical information – but not the information themselves
  • Deal with enquiries and complaints


  • Web servers can send information to your web browser via a cookie. The cookie will be saved on your local drive and is often requested back by the web server to enable that server to identify and track the web browser. As such, we may use both “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies on our website. Our providers / advertisers may also send cookies.
  • You can choose to refuse the use of cookies but it may cause some games or functions of the site to stop working.

External Links

This site contains links that will lead you to other websites. Most games often have links leading to their own gaming or developer’s websites. We are not responsible for your privacy practices or the content of these websites. Please be cautious and read their privacy policy as well.

Use of Boys Games

By using this site, you signify that you have read and accepted the Privacy Policy of Boys Games. If you do not agree to any of the policy, please do not use this site. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. We encourage everyone to regularly check the policy for updates and changes.

Continued use of the site signifies that you accept any of the changes in the policy.

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